The Centre for Welfare Policy is responsible for coordinating the government’s major welfare policy measures. The main responsibilities of the centre are the overall management of the local governments’ economies as well as the modernisation of the public sector.
In this regard, the central tasks include coordination of the budget process and the budget negotiations with local governments (municipalities and regions). Furthermore, the responsibilities encompass analysis of public spending, evaluation of policy instruments as well as tasks regarding the central budget negotiations and budget negotiations with local governments (municipalities and regions).
In relation to the municipalities, the responsibilities of the division include welfare areas such as the elderly, childcare, disabled citizens, the socially marginalised and vulnerable groups as well as municipality economy and governance in general.
With regard to the regions, the responsibilities include hospital policy, the primary healthcare sector, the healthcare practitioner sector and regional economy and governance.
The division is also responsible for the social housing sector and urban policy.
The centre’s modernisation division is responsible for the coordination and development of government policies for modernisation and renewal of the public sector. This includes development and execution of the government’s public sector reform as well as tasks in relation to supporting leadership and the development of skills within the public sector.
Furthermore, the centre is responsible for overseeing the national budget regarding the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Interior, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance.
Title: Head of Division